We understand the importance of nature and the impact that humans have on it. So we're proud that our Jiffy Pellets and Preforma Plugs help to plant millions of trees in reforestation, restoration, and carbon sequestration projects all over the world. This International Day of Forests, we want to share a few of the amazing projects we're working on in Latin America.

As Jiffy's dedicated distributor in Colombia, Disan Agro is crucial in securing a steady supply of our Forestry products, equipping end users to achieve superior reforestation results in the Amazonia region. In addition, Disan Agro is actively involved in its own tree-planting movement, Disan Siembra. This initiative is a testament to their commitment to sustainability, as it enables the sharing of best practices and new discoveries with vendors. What is notably heartening is that every Disan Siembra participant nurtures young trees using Jiffy Pellets, stressing a unified approach to growth and sustainability. Some of those participants include:

  • Corpoamazonia, a Colombian government body developing the biggest Jiffy Pellet nursery in the Amazonia region. It aims to restore more than 50,000 hectares of devastated forest.
  • Amazonia Emprende, which teaches businesses and individuals how to support the ecosystem. It is restoring more than 20,000 hectares.
  • Commucon, a group that brings together former guerrilla members dedicated to restoring the north of Colombia's Amazonia.

Thank you to all growers in restoration and reforestation! We salute your efforts to rebuild these important ecosystems and look forward to continuing to support you in this essential work. In fact, our Innovation Center is always developing new products to serve the changing needs of our partners and end users.

At Jiffy, we know that planting trees is a complex process that requires a tailored approach. To ensure a high success rate, growers need to have a deep understanding of the ecosystem they are working with and know which species will flourish in it. These factors will vary per region and even per valley, but will often involve growing shrubs to build biomass before being able to plant longer-lasting (native) species. That's why our Forestry solutions include products for propagating a diverse array of species. Jiffy Pellets come in various sizes: For instance, the 50x150mm is perfect for long-term species and the 42x75mm for biomass generators. We have been making Jiffy Pellets and Preforma for many years, including varieties that encourage strong rooting of cuttings and TC.

We hear time and again from nurseries that our solutions offer multiple benefits over traditional growing methods:

  • Lightweight, compact, and worked on at tables – far less labor-intensive
  • Wide range of 0% plastic and biodegradable options
  • Clean products – greatly reduced contamination risk
  • Improved cycles and consistently excellent plant establishment
  • Expert advice for best results using both manual and automated systems
The development from seeds to younger trees

Let’s work together

Jiffy is a leading global supplier of premium growing media and solution thinking. We aim to serve you, our customers in plant propagation and cultivation, to achieve better results with fewer worries. We do this by continually improving, innovating, and working toward our common goals, based on scientific research, teamwork, and decades of experience. Let’s develop sustainable plant growing solutions together: Let’s start today!